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"Ahhhhhhhhhh" Skittles woke up screaming. He woke the sweat off his forehead and sighed heavily. It had only been a dream or had it.

At the beginning it had been a happy dream he had parents, they cared for him and his twin brother they had a good life. His mother had strawberry blond hair like his own, his father had hair as black as black gets, and his twin brother had black hair like his father.

He and his brother were very close. Although they were twins, they didn't look a thing alike you could mistake them for close friends instead of brothers.

In his dream he and his brother were climbing up onto the washroom shelf. There they found their fathers pocket watch shaving cream razor and other things you would normally find on a washroom shelf. His brother took immediate interest in the pocket watch while Skittles (being the slower one mentally) was fascinated by the razor and the way it gleamed "OOOOOUUUUCCCHHHHH" he yelled. His mother came running.

After fixing up his cut finger they both received a stern lecture: "Anthony and Daniel you both know better ". The sentence rang in his ears this is the only thing he had ever heard his mother say and even though she said it with disappointment there was a sense of love that went along with it.

Then something terrible happened, his parents could no longer take care of him his brother and there soon to come sibling. He and his brother clung together then being pulled apart his father cave his brother his pocket watch to settle him down. For some reason he knew he would never see his brother again.

It was his turn he was being taken somewhere, but where? In front of him he saw a huge house what was it? Now he could tell, it was an apartment building just like the one they lived in. Two people were coming out the door. The two people were very kind to him, hey where were his parents going, they were leaving. Some thing was wrong.

After a while he got use to these new people, it wasn’t so bad.

Ow hot, all around him, burning, hot, flames, there was fire all around him. Then some one pulling him out, would they make it out in time?

Then he had awoken screaming, a few newsies were around his bed: Jack, Race, Kid Blink, and Mush, Race was the one to ask " Hey, you OK Skit?"

Skittles took a deep breath "yeah, fine, just had a real bad dream" They all chuckled and went back to their bunks.

The next morning Skittles went off with Race as usual. They spread out through a thick crowd and agreed to meet back in a few minutes. Skittles was having a good day he was selling papes like crazy. In fact he had more than half his papes sold before it was tome to meet Race.

He saw Race standing by the lamppost where he agreed to meet. Wait, what was that hanging out of his vest pocket? A Gold chain? Where had he seen that before, and why hadn't he noticed Race wearing it? He walked up to Race and said, "hey race what is dat gold chain to?"

Race pulled a gold pocket watch, out "I'm surprised ya neva noticed it befo'. Me pop gave it to me befo' dey left me at da ophanige."

Skittles took a deep breath and looked strait into Races face "Race"

"Yeah Skit, are ya Ok, ya look like a ghost"

What did you say your real name was?"